How TMPL Increased revenue by 20% in one month

How TMPL Increased revenue by 20% in one month

How TMPL Increased revenue by 20% in one month

TMPL (as seen on BBC Dragon’s Den) is a six-figure eCommerce brand that creates safe and effective personal care and wellness products for men of colour.

TMPL (as seen on BBC Dragon’s Den) is a six-figure eCommerce brand that creates safe and effective personal care and wellness products for men of colour.

TMPL (as seen on BBC Dragon’s Den) is a six-figure eCommerce brand that creates safe and effective personal care and wellness products for men of colour.

The Brand
TMPL (as seen on BBC Dragon’s Den) is a six-figure eCommerce brand that creates safe and effective personal care and wellness products for men of colour.

The Challenge
The founders wanted to find a way of diversifying how they make sales. They wanted cost-effective, sustainable methods versus expensive ad spend on Meta.

Thankfully, the business had built up a good mailing list but being a small team already wearing many hats, Raphael & Adam struggled to find the time to regularly write newsletters to engage their mailing list to drive more sales. They also couldn’t afford to spend thousands per month in retainer fees to have an agency/freelancer do it for them.

The Solution
LetterPress: An affordable, auto-pilot solution that writes, sends and manages newsletters on behalf of brands to help them generate. All the founders would need to do is approve the draft content once it’s been written.

- No more spending time trying to think of topics and then writing them
- No expensive fees to pay to an agency or freelancer
- Uploading the content into your email management app is handled for you

The Results
In their first month, TMPL was able to add an extra 20% of revenue to their monthly sales thanks to LetterPress. This was revenue they otherwise would have missed out on and best of all, it was sales that didn’t require them to have to spend money on ads to acquire so these orders were more profitable for the business. Imagine what they could achieve after a whole year!

By The Numbers
Emails sent in first month: 4 (Each newsletter topic counts as 1 email)

Average Open Rate: 40%
Total LetterPress Recipients: 25,389

The Brand
TMPL (as seen on BBC Dragon’s Den) is a six-figure eCommerce brand that creates safe and effective personal care and wellness products for men of colour.

The Challenge
The founders wanted to find a way of diversifying how they make sales. They wanted cost-effective, sustainable methods versus expensive ad spend on Meta.

Thankfully, the business had built up a good mailing list but being a small team already wearing many hats, Raphael & Adam struggled to find the time to regularly write newsletters to engage their mailing list to drive more sales. They also couldn’t afford to spend thousands per month in retainer fees to have an agency/freelancer do it for them.

The Solution
LetterPress: An affordable, auto-pilot solution that writes, sends and manages newsletters on behalf of brands to help them generate. All the founders would need to do is approve the draft content once it’s been written.

- No more spending time trying to think of topics and then writing them
- No expensive fees to pay to an agency or freelancer
- Uploading the content into your email management app is handled for you

The Results
In their first month, TMPL was able to add an extra 20% of revenue to their monthly sales thanks to LetterPress. This was revenue they otherwise would have missed out on and best of all, it was sales that didn’t require them to have to spend money on ads to acquire so these orders were more profitable for the business. Imagine what they could achieve after a whole year!

By The Numbers
Emails sent in first month: 4 (Each newsletter topic counts as 1 email)

Average Open Rate: 40%
Total LetterPress Recipients: 25,389

The Brand
TMPL (as seen on BBC Dragon’s Den) is a six-figure eCommerce brand that creates safe and effective personal care and wellness products for men of colour.

The Challenge
The founders wanted to find a way of diversifying how they make sales. They wanted cost-effective, sustainable methods versus expensive ad spend on Meta.

Thankfully, the business had built up a good mailing list but being a small team already wearing many hats, Raphael & Adam struggled to find the time to regularly write newsletters to engage their mailing list to drive more sales. They also couldn’t afford to spend thousands per month in retainer fees to have an agency/freelancer do it for them.

The Solution
LetterPress: An affordable, auto-pilot solution that writes, sends and manages newsletters on behalf of brands to help them generate. All the founders would need to do is approve the draft content once it’s been written.

- No more spending time trying to think of topics and then writing them
- No expensive fees to pay to an agency or freelancer
- Uploading the content into your email management app is handled for you

The Results
In their first month, TMPL was able to add an extra 20% of revenue to their monthly sales thanks to LetterPress. This was revenue they otherwise would have missed out on and best of all, it was sales that didn’t require them to have to spend money on ads to acquire so these orders were more profitable for the business. Imagine what they could achieve after a whole year!

By The Numbers
Emails sent in first month: 4 (Each newsletter topic counts as 1 email)

Average Open Rate: 40%
Total LetterPress Recipients: 25,389